Recruitment Process Overview
Please note: We are a club team and cannot recruit before students are accepted. We are happy to answer any and all questions for prospective students, but we cannot increase your odds of acceptance to the university. Thank you for understanding!
ROUND 1 - Beginning of the first week of classes
Days 1 and 2 focus on your interest in the team, whether you are an experienced sailor or are looking to get started in the sport! More than just ability, we are looking for enthusiasm, and willingness to learn from peers on and off the water. We want to learn more about how you see yourself in the team, and how the team could benefit from having you on it! You will have chat with current sailors for a ~20 minute interview during this round!
ROUND 2 Beginning of the first week of classes
Day 3 and 4 are all about getting you on the water. We want you to get a taste of what sailing on Lake Michigan is like, and to see you in action. We’ll also take this opportunity to understand what your expectations from the team are, and to get to know you a bit better while sailing! For Round 2, you will be invited by email to come sail with one of our team members. After sailing, you will complete a final interview that will focus on your experience on the water. After all the interviews in Round 1, you will receive an email with more specific details about Round 2.
All prospective members that are invited to participate in Round 2 are also invited for a BBQ on Friday during recruitment week to meet the rest of the team and other prospective sailors!
Final decisions are released by the Monday after Recruitment Week.
Where? South Beach!
When? Recruitment is generally the first week of classes. Exact dates for each event will be made available over the summer.
Do I need to bring anything with me? For Round 1, just yourself! If you come back for Round 2, wear clothes that you don’t mind getting wet.
Do I need to sign up? Nope! Just show up on day 1 or 2 for an interview. You may have to wait for an interviewer to become available, but we’ll do our best to keep things moving.